Revised Edition. Published by the Midland Unitarian Association in 2014.
Just what you were looking for!
The book forms an excellent introduction to lay preaching for the person wishing to do this, but is uncertain how to go about it. The experienced lay preacher will also find much of interest.
It contains practical advice from nine leading Authorities in the Denomination about every aspect of preparing and presenting a service.
“The publication has good content and format
and is in every way fit for purpose”
Jeff Teagle
“Not only beginners will find this book a most
useful hands-on tool”
The Inquirer
How to order
Copies are available from:
Rev. Sue Woolley, 5 Martins Road, Piddington, Northampton NN7 2DN
Tel: (01604) 870746 e-mail: revsuewoolley@gmail.com
Price: £10.00 including postage.
Please make cheques payable to the Midland Unitarian Association
Copies will be available at the special price of £7.50 at the General Assembly Annual Meetings 2014. See Sue Woolley for details.