Key Messages from MUA Inc. Executive Committee meeting, 12th September 2024

1 Autumn Taster Workshop: we will be offering a variety of different experiences of meditation: walking a labyrinth, seated meditation, multi-sensory meditation, and lectio divina, on an Autumn Saturday at Unitarian New Meeting in Birmingham. If you want to attend, please let Sue Woolley know!

2 Sustainability Audits: these are now under way and will be mainly complete by the end of 2024. The team comprises five people: Rev Winnie Gordon, Rev Mark Hutchinson, and Aleks Zglinska (for the visits); Rev Sue Woolley (for the demographic surveys); and Emma Silvey-Ratcliffe (for the administration).

3 Congregational Tool Kit: the General Assembly of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches launched this initiative in early September. It is an online repository of information, replacing Help is at Hand. The website may be found at: