Ten people from seven MUA congregations attended this very well-received Training Day, which was offered by the Midland Unitarian Association of Lay Preachers and Service Leaders.
The course leader was Rev. Dr. Vernon Marshall, who was able to illustrate his points with examples from 30 years’ experience as a Unitarian minister. The ground covered was as comprehensive as it could be in one day; covering everything from first contact, booking and fees, through the interview with the couple, legalities, the elements of the service, the rubrics, the rehearsal, to etiquette and follow-up. Vernon’s presentation included three very useful handouts – a general one which covered everything that he talked about, examples of forms and letters to use, and a pamphlet entitled ‘Your marriage ceremony’ which he gives out to couples.
All in all, it was a very useful day, and all present enjoyed it very much.