Birmingham Celebrates Joseph Chamberlain Centenary (29/06/14)

The congregation of Birmingham Unitarian New Meeting Church commemorated the centenary of the death of eminent Unitarian Joseph Chamberlain, who died on 2nd July 1914, on Sunday 29th June 2014. It really was an impressive occasion. The service started as the official guests (who included representatives from the local mosque, Anglican church and progressive synagogue; … Read more

Report of the Annual Meetings of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches

Article by Jenni Duffell, Shrewsbury Unitarians This year I attended the Annual Meetings of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches as the delegate from Shrewsbury. The meetings were held at Whittlebury Hall in Northamptonshire (a venue rather out of my league(!) but apparently the cost is no more, even less, than our … Read more

Warmth and Sharing at the Midland Unitarian Association AGM

More than 50 Unitarians from 14 congregations around the Midlands congregated in Shrewsbury Unitarian Church on 29th March, to attend the 148th District AGM. After a half-hour period of networking and refreshments, the assembled participants settled down for the business meeting. This was over in a commendably quick fifty minutes, and was followed by a break before lunch. Many folk took the opportunity to explore Shrewsbury in the warm Spring sunshine, before returning with sharpened appetites for the very delicious lunch, served by members of the Shrewsbury congregation, and produced by their very talented member, Simon Wilde, who is a chef.

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Acts of Faith Gathering at Birmingham University

Unitarians were very well represented at this year’s Interfaith gathering, organised by the Guild of Students at Birmingham University.

This was held in a large Marquee in University Square, just in front of the famous University Clock Tower, and attracted several hundred students keen to learn more about different paths to faith and, it must be said, partake of the wonderful and free all day Asian Buffet.

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Facebook, Twitter and blogging – bring them on!

Participants from across the MUA enjoyed an excellent course on Using Social Media, held at Unitarian New Meeting Birmingham on 8th February. Love it or hate it, there is little doubt that the medium of social media is both here to stay and influential. This course was therefore a very useful introduction for some, and an important update for others, on the benefits that Facebook, Twitter and Blogging can have for their Unitarian community.

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MUA Executive Committee Key Messages

1. District RE Coordinator. Unfortunately we are back to square one on this. If anyone is interested in the post, please contact Sue Woolley.

2. The MUA Annual General Meeting will be held at Shrewsbury Unitarian Church, on Saturday 29th March 2014 – please put the date in your diaries.

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MUA Executive Committee meeting Key Messages

1. The MUA Annual Lunch at Kingswood on 26th October was very successful. Our thanks to our Guest Speaker, Dr. Taj Hargey, Director of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford.

2. District RE Coordinator. Unfortunately we are back to square one on this. If anyone is interested in the post, please contact Sue Woolley.

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MUA Annual Lunch at Kingswood

Over 30 Unitarians from congregations all over the Midlands gathered to share lunch, and to hear our Guest Speaker, Dr. Taj Hargey, speak to us about rational Islam. Dr. Hargey is Director of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford and Imam of the Oxford Islamic congregation.

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MUA Executive Committee meeting Key Messages

1. The MUA Investment Committee changed the distribution of MUA investments, due to the continuing volatility in the markets. They continue to monitor the situation closely.

2. District RE Coordinator. we are pleased to announce that someone is considering this seriously – further details in the next Bits & Pieces.

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