[my apologies for the late posting of these, due to an oversight]
1. Cotswold Group Ministry: Rev. Dr. Rob Whiteman starts his ministry with the Cotswold Group on Saturday 1st October.
2. MUA Annual General Meeting: the date for the 2017 AGM was set for Saturday 25th March, at Kingswood. Rev. Danny Crosby is to be our Guest Speaker.
3. Sabbatical: Rev. Sue Woolley had circulated a paper, requesting that she be granted a 10-week sabbatical from July – September 2017. This was approved unanimously by the committee, subject to the addition of a week 11, because she is intending to work during week 8.
Jane Couper: tel: 01386-839458 e-mail: janecouper@hotmail.co.uk
Sue Woolley: tel: 01604-870746; e-mail: revsuewoolley@gmail.com